Prana Farms

We specialize in medicinal and edible plants.

Much in the list below we carry in our nursery.
If you are looking for something medicinal that you don't see here,
call, text or email and we may be able to locate it for you.

Having medicinal properties listed does not mean that the plant is edible.

Please do your own research before using plant medicine.

Common Name Benefits & Uses
Achacha Used for preventing and treating heart disease, cold or flu, promotes regular movement of bowels, slows down aging, prevents birth defects, blood sugar regulation. Mangosteen relative.
African Dream Root Stimulates dreams, Induces lucid dreams
Agaricus Blazei Murill Mushroom cancer, immune system, increase bone marrow activity
Agave, False sap irritates the skin and has been used for constipation, cancer, male-pattern baldness, diarrhea, flatulency, spasm of the intestines, promotes labor & urine production, stomach & intestine bacteria & syphilis
Alfalfa Indicated for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood detoxifier, arthritis & joint problems, blood clotting, heart disease, urinary tract, liver, alkaline, regularity, hydration, digestion, atherosclerotic plaque, pituitary gland, cancer and osteoporosis. Do not use with blood thinning agents; not recommended for lupus sufferers.
Allamanda Used to treat liver tumors, jaundice, splenomegaly, and malaria.
Allspice Unripe berries and leaves of the plant are used for preventing and treating indigestion, intestinal gas, abdominal pain, heavy menstrual periods, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, colds, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Used to season meat, soup, stew and vegetables.
Almond Indicated for lung & breathing diseases, constipation andtension headaches. Almond milk, can be soaked to release enzyme inhibitors. Eat raw or roasted.
Aloe Vera Traditionally, this medicinal plant has been used to treat skin problems such as burns, wounds, and anti-inflammatory processes. Aloe vera has shown other therapeutic properties including anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-hyperlipidemic. Add to your daily smoothie. Can be used as yin tonic for short periods.
Alocasia Indicated for diarrhoea, constipation, diabetes, cancer, antimicrobial, antifungal.
Angel's Trumpet; datura; moon flower Leaves, seeds & flowers used for preventing and treating asthma, also used as a recreational drug to induce hallucinations and euphoria. The seeds of Datura are analgesic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory and as such, they are used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal pain that results from worm infestation, toothache, and fever from inflammation. The juice of its fruit is applied to the scalp, to treat dandruff and falling hair, boost of sexual energy, libido and fertility. Poisonous under certain conditions; make chili seed spray to rid plant of pests. Nightshade family.
Angelonia Roots, leaves & stems indicated for inflammation, digestive issues & circulation.
Apple Apple is an artery cleanser (apple pectin is a soluble fiber), it is indicated for cholesterol, colon cleansing, liver/gallbladder flush and inflammation.
Apple Cider Vinegar Indicated for gout, pain, arthritis, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, blood sugar, unwanted bacteria/yeast. Most potent when organic and unfiltered. Stream treatment for headache = 8oz h2o/1tbsp vinegar.
Arugula Calcium, which helps the blood to clot normally. Potassium, a mineral and an electrolyte that's vital for heart and nerve function. Foliate, a B vitamin. Vitamin C, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps support the immune system. Vitamin K, which helps with blood coagulation.
Asian Snow anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory, abdominal disorders
Asparagus Powerful cancer fighter, removes poisons, among the highest Glutathione of any food. Recommended, one bunch a day lightly steamed.
Avocado Avocado has beneficial fats to build cell membranes, the covering of nerves, helps blood clotting and muscle movement. Aids in the health of the heart & eyes. Helps growth & development, blood pressure & weight loss. Seed has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and has been used against diarrhea and dysentery. Seeds & skins poisonous to chickens. Eat one a day.
Banisteriopsis caapi South American hallucinogenic vine, "plant teacher" among the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon rainforest, psychotropic, central nervous system disorders, depression, ptsd, drug addiction, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s. Shredded vine used in the preparation of Ayahuasca.
Banana High in potassium and anti-oxidants; aids in moderating blood sugar levels, improving digestion, weight loss, heart health & insulin sensitivity.
Basil This primary herb is indicated for digestion, cardio, circulatory, pulmonary, mental clarification, anti-spasmodic, respiratory. Insect repellent; stems contain more phytochemicals than leaves. Eat raw everyday.
Basket Plant Purifies indoor air pollutants. In addition, all parts of the plant are edible and used in herbal remedies. The mature leaves can be chewed to relieve stomach and digestive issues. Callisia is a natural antibiotic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial , and anti-oxidant. Leaves are used for treatment of various skin diseases, burns and joint disorders. Callisia Fragrans aka chain plant, inch plant and toothache plant.
Beans Indicated for kidney function, hormone systems, complexion, diabetes, heart health cancer prevention, liver and controlling appetite. Chinese medicine says black is good for nourishing kidney energy.
Bee Balm or Bergamot Anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and soothing. Indicated for coughs, skin, stomach cramps, calming tissue. Mint family gentle, good for children
Beet Detoxifies liver, a must for cancer fighters, aka "Miracle Healer". Beets are rich in folate (vitamin B9) which helps cells grow and function. Folate plays a key role in controlling damage to blood vessels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Beets are naturally high in nitrates, which are turned into nitric oxide in the body. Recommended 1/2-1 lb a day in a smoothie; add peppermint to balance the taste of the beets.
Beautyberry The boiled roots were made into treatments for dizziness, stomachaches, urine retention, dysentery. Roots and berries were boiled and drunk to treat colic. Bark from the stems and roots were made into concoctions for itchy skin. Extracts from the leaves of the beautyberry deter mosquitoes and ticks, raw berries are edible,but generally are used to make jellies and wines; eaten by wildlife. anti-bacterial, ant-iviral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, astringent, diuretic, skin issues, digestion, dizziness, IBS, edema, colic, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, fever, malaria, dysentery, urine retention, stomach ache, acne, reflux, herpes, candida, cancer, memory loss, insect repellant
Begonia An infusion made by soaking the flowers in hot water helps to eliminate headaches and rid the body of toxins. The crushed flowers and leaves can also be rubbed directly on the skin to help relieve pain and heal sores or burns. Helps in treating Rheumatic arthritis. It cures Amenorrhea. It shows its actions on upper respiratory tract treating Asthma.
Betel Leaf uses & treatments: mouth/breath freshener, nose bleed, ear pain, anti-septic, deodorant, urination, genital shrinkage after child birth, good for skin, headaches, anti-fungal, alertness, respiratory problems, cough, muscular cramps, pain reliever, boosts digestion, constipation, hard stool problems, boosts metabolism, gastric pain, promotes hunger, bronchitis. Used as spice, fish bait, & a hallucinogenic.
Bitter Melon Indicated for type ll diabetes, cancer, anti-viral, parasite and digestion. Eat raw or cooked. Aka Chinese cucumber, Charantia.
Blackberries The leaf, root, and fruit are used to make medicine. Blackberry is indicated for diarrhea, fluid retention, diabetes, gout, pain, swelling (inflammation); and for preventing cancer and heart disease. It is also used as a mouth rinse for mild mouth and throat irritation. Break seeds with 3hp blender.
Bleeding Heart a root tincture can ease the pain of sprains or bruises, calm the nervous system, alleviate anxiety or insomnia, narcotic analgesic
Blueberry Antioxidant & anti-inflammatory, indicated for energy, eyes and vision. Recommended 4 oz a day; delicious with coconut.
Blue Pea Butterfly plant Flower tea properties, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, brain health, Alzheimer's, eyesight, reproductive health, blood sugar, skin, hair, digestion and respiration, memory, anxiety & depression
Bougainvillea Aqueous extract and decoction used as fertility control, shown to possess anticancer, antidiabetic, antihepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, antihyperlipidemic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antiulcer properties
Brazil Nut Indicated for cancer, immune system, Crohn's, low thyroid function; high selenium count. Eat less than 5 a day.
Broccoli Indicated for cancer especially estrogen driven cancers, lower blood pressure, inflammation of heart & kidneys. This worst tasting ingredient in smoothies. It is recommended to eat the stems too.
Bromeliad Treatment of respiratory diseases, diabetes, inflammation, and gastrointestinal disorders, gut health, infections.
Brussel Sprouts Contains sulforaphane which induces phase ll enzyme that detoxifies cancer causing chemicals. Baby cabbages.
Buck Lettuce Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, diuretic, reduces varicose & spider veins, good for brain & liver function
Burdock Root Enlisted to alleviate constipation, ease childbirth, break up kidney and bladder stones, promote sweating, remedy stomach and intestinal disorders, and control arthritis and gout pains. In medieval times it was also commonly used as a cure for syphilis.
Cabbage Indicated for stomach issues including cancer, ulcers, breast cancer. Fermenting enhances properties.
Cactus, Prickly Pear Fruit is edible and used for type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, alcohol hangover, colitis, diarrhea, and benign prostatic hypertrophy and to fight viral infections. Prickly pear juice is used in jellies and candies. Peyote Mescal Buttons, contains mescaline, a hallucinogenic drug capable of inducing visions.
Camphorweed Non-toxic but unpalatable to grazing livestock. Used for treating acid stomach, dysuria, hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, stomach cramps, scabies, fever, sore muscles, dysentery, menstruation, rheumatism, sprains or bruises and can reduce pain, swelling, inflammation and injuries with pain when resting. Leaves and stems are covered in bristly hairs and are sticky to the touch.
Camu Berry Very effective on asthma, indicated for atherosclerosis, eye disease, gum disease, hepatitis, depression, osteoarthritis, migraines, Parkinson's and pain. One tsp powder daily.
Carolina Redroot The root is astringent, narcotic, tonic and nervine. Taken internally it produces a peculiar form of cerebral stimulation and narcosis, it was often used as a narcotic by some native North American Indian tribes. It is also used in the treatment of bowel complaints, coughs, pneumonia and the spitting of blood. A strong decoction has been used as a wash for cancer. A homeopathic remedy is prepared from the whole fresh plant, harvested when in flower. Many webistes list this plant as toxic and poinsonous to humans and livestock. A red dye is obtained from the root.
Carrots Indicated for lungs, eyes, digestion, heart disease, cancer prevention.Recommended one a day.
Cashew Used for preventing and treating stomach and intestinal ailments, apply cashew directly to the skin as a skin stimulant and to seal (cauterize) ulcers, warts, and corns. Truly raw cashews are not safe to eat, as they contain a substance known as urushiol, found in poison ivy. Urushiol is toxic, and contact with it can trigger a skin reaction in some people. Cashew kernels are often sold as “raw” in stores, but these have been steamed, this removes the toxins. A true nut tree.
Cassava Roots can help prevent wounds from becoming infected and speed healing. Boil roots and leaves together to relieve fever, boosts immunity and regulate digestion. Aka yuca; used to make tapioca, animal feed, and laundry starch.
Castor Bean Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, laxative, abortifacient, for wounds, ulcers, parasitic worms. Castor bean is used to make castor oil, which is a strong laxative. In pregnancy, castor oil might start labor by stimulating the uterus. Befefits of castor oil include boosting immunity, skin and hair care, and relieving rheumatism, menstrual disorders, and constipation. Castor beans contain ricin, one of the most toxic substances known. They may cause an acute and potentially fatal gastroenteritis. Delayed visceral damage is another serious complication; however, the latter is quite rare. The toxicity is dose related and depends on the amount of castor beans ingested. Danger from castor bean is not specifically from occasionally handling the plant, but from ingesting plant parts, namely the leaves and, especially, the seeds, which contain the greatest concentration of ricin - lethal dose 3-8 beans.
Catnip The sedative effects calms cats down, reducing the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression, highly recommended for use in cat shelters to help make cats more relaxed in an unfamiliar setting. Drinking catnip tea (made from leaves as well as flowers) could remedy headaches, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, and nervousness and hives. Can help treat gastrointestinal problems like lack of appetite, diarrhea, indigestion including other ailments like the common cold. Used to treat intestinal cramps, for indigestion, to cause sweating and to induce menstruation. Has been used to treat diarrhea, colic, the common cold, and cancer as well as being an effective insect repellant.
Cayenne Pepper Helps boost immune system, cold or flu, capsaicin cream desensitizes people to pain, inflammation. Do not take internally if having stomach issues. Extract w/lime water and swab inside nostril as long as no stomach issues are present.
Celery Celery is rich in various anti-oxidants that possess anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. Celery also contains a compound called luteolin that can prevent inflammation in the brain cells. Research suggests that celery extract acts like anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen, pthalides relax muscles around arteries allowing vessels to dilate which makes it indicated for blood pressure and cardio. Buy organic high pesticide residue cannot be washed off. Six stalks a day for high blood pressure.
  salad & cooked greens, leaves are used in the treatment of infected sores, wounds and skin eruptions. The whole plant is used as an antidote for snakebites, jaundice, inflammation, metrrorhagia, gonorrhoea, fever, and the healing of wounds (alcoholic extract)
Chacruna The Machiguenga people of Peru use juice from the leaves as eye drops to treat migraine headaches. It contains a natural psychoactive compound that induces a spiritual experience to expand awareness and elevate consciousness by heightening the senses. tribespeople used eye drops which allowed for a heightened sense of vision to improve their hunting abilities. Chacruna can also be used as an effective remedy to relieve headaches and migraines, which can affect vision and other senses. Indicated for cough, insect bites, parasitic disease, dysentery, lung disease, Parkinson's, PTSD, depression, MS, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. The "Visionary Vine" (Psychotria viridis).
Chains of Glory A decoction of the leaves is applied externally as an anodyne, anthelmintic (destroy parasitic worms), anti-inflammatory & carminative (relieves flatulence). Aka light bulbs.
Chamomile Chamomile properties are sedative, anti-convulsing, carminative, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-ulcer, anti-viral, eases upset stomach, heartburn, nausea & vomiting, soothing & calming, promotes dream state of mind, eye flush and can reduce fever through enima.
Charcoal Indicated for cholera, life threatening diarrhea, digestive disorders, activated charcoal draws out poisons from the intestines, snake bites, anthrax, overdose, ibs, stomach problems. Use a charcoal poultice for infections, bites, burns, poison ivy.
Chaya Injest leaves to improve blood circulation, aid digestion, improve vision, prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids, lower cholesterol, reduce weight, prevent cough to augment calcium in the bones. Aka tree spinach.
Cherry Indicated for arthritis, insomnia, gout, inflammation, uric acid, kidney stones, jet lag. Melatonin regulates biorhythm. Mix tart cherry juice or fresh cherries 1tbsp/4oz h2o or seltzer.
Chia Seed An anti-oxidant rich in omega 3. Indicated for energy, blood thinning, anemia. Use caution, Chia seed lowers blood pressure.
Chinese Lantern Mature berries are anti-phlogistic (inflammation-reducing), antipyretic (fever-reducing), anti-tussive (cough-suppressing); and expectorant (phlegm-promoting). The unripe berries and leaves are poisonous to humans and animals, when mature the berries are edible.
Chives Helps increase blood count, maintains blood pressure, increases immune system, expels parasitic worms, reduces the risk of cancer, improves memory, improves bone density. Flowers are edible.
Chocolate (Cocoa) Chocolate increases dopamine levels, gives energy to the heart and is indicated for Parkinson's disease, depression, anemia, endocrine system and fatigue. Called food of the Gods. Avoid if: cancer, ulcers, stomach, constipation.
Cilantro This primary herb removes mercury and lead, helps symptoms of Alzheimer's & Autism due to heavy metal poisoning. Add coriander seeds or leaves to your regular diet to help lower your blood sugar, fight infections, and promote heart, brain, skin, and digestive health. Reduce symptoms of cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Cilantro extract reduced seizure attacks and prevented nerve-cell damage in rats. Reduces anxiety, effective against salmonella. Excellent in a tea or fruit smoothie.
Cinnamon Anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, sugar balancing, stops growth of microbial fungus & bacteria especially candida, response to insulin. Indicated for diabetes, obesity, tired after meals. The bark of the tree is considered an herb, eat before, in and after meals.
Clerodendrum, light bulb Bulbs used as a cardiotonic, stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, crushed bulbs topically as a hair tonic for dandruff.
Clerodendrum, starburst Mint family, air purifier, root has the functions of soothing liver & kidney, nourishing the stomach, regulate the menstrual function.
Coconut Considered a multi purpose super food, coconut is known as king of healing fats as it dissolves the lipid layer of viruses, bacteria & pathogens destroying them. It is indicated for weight loss and metabolism. It is rich in anti-oxidants, has powerful anti-bacterial properties, and may support better blood sugar. Extracted from the dried kernel, coconut oil can be used to treat fever and headaches. Rubbing a blend of the coconut oil and cinnamon oil or mentholatum over your temples and back will help you sweat out the illness. Coconut oil also has many hygiene & beauty uses. Root, bark and leaf are astringent and are used for diarrhea and leucorrhoea. Recommended is 2-4 tbsp of coconut fat a day, try sauteing coconut in it's own oil.
Cocoplum Builds cell membranes, very rich in lipo-protein cholesterol levels, high ranked fruit for preventing cancer, hypo-glycemic, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, reduces risk of heart attack, improves vision, improves skin health, encourages healthier pregnancy & healthy bones. Extremely toxic to dogs if eaten.
Colloidal Silver Water Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, topical wound dressing. Indicated for skin conditions & infections, inflammation, immune system.
Coontie Gluten-free, B-vitamin powerhouse, supports healthy digestion, boosts metabolic rate, promotes healthy sleep, good for the heart, promotes good circulation, aids in weight loss, cholesterol levels, improves kidney function, diarrhea, and stimulates the immune system. Aka florida arrowroot, an edible starch used to make bread and as a thickening agent; the seeds are not edible and are toxic to touch; used in landscaping, supports endangered butterfly.
Cordyceps Mushroom Indicated for endocrine, lungs, strength, male and female libido, anti-tumor, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Tibet fungus that grows out of rare insects head; very expensive, used to improve athletes performance.
Corn Indicated for eyes/vision, energy and brain function.
Cranberry Hibiscus Leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat sore throats, colds, coughs, nasal congestion, infections, rheumatism and even flatulence. Indicated for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, liver protection, anti-cancer, anxiety, depression, weight loss, digestion, immune system, skin conditions such as acne, scars, eczema, sunburn and skin allergies. The entire plant is edible, add the cranberry tasting leaves to a salad or smoothie. The flower is used to make a tea known as Agua de flor de Jamaica, also called agua de Jamaica and rosa de Jamaica, which is popular in Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America and the Caribbean.
Croton Petra Bitter bark used to treat digestive, hypotensive, narcotic, stomach, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery.
Cuban Oregano Leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat sore throats, colds, coughs, nasal congestion, infections, rheumatism and even flatulence. Crushed leaves can be used on the skin to treat Burns, Sores, Eczema, Insect bites, rub on your chest for a bronchial remedy. African immigrants to Brazil used Cuban oregano in rituals where it was burned as an offering or to consecrate places of worship, it was used as incense for protection and cleansing energy. It is an anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and a natural blood thinner. Some cultures make a mild tea with a couple of leaves and prescribe it for digestive problems, and arthritis. It can be made into a syrup with tea and sugar for sore throat and coughs to help ease symptoms. Rub broken leaves on the skin as an insect repellant. Avoid heavy doses of oregano oil if pregnant or taking lithium, however it can be used externally for cuts and scrapes.
Cucumber Alkalizing veggie, sugar balancing, improved response to insulin, high in silica, indicated for osteoporosis and skin. Organic is recommended.
Curry Indicated for heart, blood sugar, inflammation, cancer, Alzheimer's, bones
Custard Apple Anticancer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, diabetes, blood pressure, liver, gut, immune system, cardio health
Cypress, Bald Resin used to topically treat burns and sores, and also used parts of the tree to resolve ulcers and to help skin heal. The tree is extremely resistant to rot.
Daisy Take wild daisy tea for coughs, bronchitis, disorders of the liver and kidneys, swelling & inflammation. Also use it as an astringent and as a blood purifier, preventing problems during childbirth, pain and soreness, and minor bleeding.
Dandelion Fresh or dried dandelion herb is also used as a mild appetite stimulant, and to improve upset stomach. The root of the dandelion plant may act as a mild laxative and has been used to improve digestion. Preliminary research suggests that dandelion may help improve liver and gallbladder function. Polyphenols in the leaves fight inflammation in the body. Cook the leaves as you would any other greens, or enjoy the young, early leaves raw in salads. The roots of the dandelion are a particularly good source of fiber. You can eat them fresh, use them to make a tea, or dry them for future use.
Datura Stramonium Nightshade family, strong narcotic, highly toxic, can cause headaches, hallucinations, coma, and death. Anti-spasmodic, analgesic, sleep-inducing, expectorant, sedative, hypnotic, intoxicant, uterine stimulant and bronchodilator, boosts libido and improves fertility in both men and women. Indicated for ulcers, wounds, inflammation, rheumatism, gout, sciatica, bruises, swellings, fever, asthma, bronchitis and toothache. Leaves are anti-tumor, anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory and its flowers are anti-asthmatic. Leaves contain hyoscyamine and atropine which can be used as an immensely powerful mind-altering drug. The seeds of Datura are analgesic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory and as such, they are used in the treatment of stomach and intestinal pain that results from worm infestation, toothache, fever from inflammation, pain relief. Aka Devil's Trumpet or Double trumpet.
Delphinium Guardian indicated for intestinal worms, fluid retention, poor appetite, sleep, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, root powder to control pain
Dianthus Use the entire herb as a bitter tonic herb that stimulates the urinary system, digestive system, and bowels. Plant is anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant properties, improving physical, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.
Digitalis Indicated for congestive heart failure and heart rhythm problems (atrial arrhythmias). Can increase blood flow throughout your body and reduce swelling in your hands and ankles. It helps in more powerful contractions of heart and increase excitability of cardiac muscle. It has a good effect on kidney which results in diuresis and loss of oedema. It has cardiotinic property. It is also used to treat arterial flutter and atrial fibrillation. Aka foxglove; unsafe for self-medication; all parts of the plant are poisonous; chemicals taken from foxglove are used to make a prescription drug called digoxin. Digitalis lanata is the major source of digoxin in the US.
Dill Indicated for gas, bloating upset stomach (chew seeds), depression, menstration.
Dombeya Used in traditional medicine to treat heart problems, nausea in pregnant women, intestinal ulcers, headaches, stomach issues, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, dyspepsia and to hasten the onset of labor.
Dragon Fruit Indicated for bones, hair & skin, anti-oxidant, immune system, inflammation, diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, anti-cancer.
Duranta antimicrobial, antioxidant, insecticide, treatment of malaria, intestinal worms, and abscess
Dutchman's Pipe Treat toothache by placing bits of bruised root in hollow teeth. An extract of the root has been drunk to relieve stomach pains, and the boiled root, or a decoction of the whole plant, has been used to treat fevers. Treats snake bites. “It expels the menstrua and foetus when taken as a drink with pepper and myrrh. It works just the same when inserted as a suppository.” Birthwort
Echinacea Roots are most beneficial, Chew roots to prevent a cold & flu (only effective during the initial stage), invading organisms, anti-infection, aids immune system.
Egg Shell Membrane Glucosamine, collagen, hyaluronic acid, rebuilds cartilage, arthritis - good for dogs who suffer from arthritis. Contains exact same ingredients as human joints.
Eggplant Indicated for cholesterol and skin cancers. Teas are the most effective for healing.
Eggs Indicated for muscles, eyes and hormones. Incredible protein, don't eat if constipated or allergic, eggs do not raise cholesterol. Recommended 7-14 a week.
Evening Primrose Its fresh flowers, seeds, roots and essential oil are used in the treatment of impotence, fatigue, PMS and menopausal problems. The Indigenous people of North America used an infusion of Evening Primrose to speed up wound healing. They also used the root for haemorrhoids and the seed oil for skin problems. Indicated for increasing bone density, regulating hormones, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular problems. Grind seeds to use use as a tea or oil.
Fava Bean Increased dopamine, indicated for depression, emotional problems and Parkinson's .
Fenugreek Aids in digestion, excellent for breast health, diaphoretic/detoxifying, lymphatic cleansing, clears congestion, increased lactation in nursing mothers. The oldest recorded medicinal herb.
Feverfew Traditionally used for the treatment of fevers, migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, stomach aches, toothaches, insect bites, infertility, and problems with menstruation and labor during childbirth.
Fig Use fig fruit for conditions such as constipation and diarrhea. The leaf is used for conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and skin conditions. The milky sap (latex) is used on the skin for warts and the fruit is used on the skin for eczema and other skin conditions.
Fire Bush - Hameila Leaves, stems and flowers have many medicinal properties including anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic treatments, antibacterial and antifungal
Gaillardia Tea of root for gastroenteritis, chewed powdered root applied to skin disorders. Sore nipples of nursing mothers bathed in tea made from the plant, also used for sore eyes.
Gardenia anti-inflammatory, reduce insulin resistance, high blood pressure, "drains fire"
Garlic This primary herb is anti-viral, antibiotic, anti-fungal, destroys viruses, lowers blood pressure & cholesterol, thins blood, dilates blood vessels, boots endocrine function & sexual hormones, improves sperm count. Anti-viral, anti-biotic, may reduce the risk of common brain diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia, contains anti-oxidants that protect against cell damage and aging. Recommended that heart disease patients eat 1-2 cloves day; try 9-clove Garlic Pesto recipe. Unless very sick garlic is not recommended in a smoothie . . . yuck.
Gaura The Navajo made a tea for children to settle their stomachs after vomiting and as a “life medicine” especially after an internal injury. The Zuni root would be chewed by medicine man before sucking snakebite and applied as poultice. The rhizomes are edible too and are similar to parsnips.
Geranium Geranium tea, oil infusions & compresses have been used to treat anxiety, depression, infection, and pain. It's thought to have anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Reputed to help heal bruises, cuts and scrapes, eczema, hemorrhoids, nail fungus and sunburns as well as help with insomnia and varicose veins. Rose-scented geranium leaves are used to infuse flavor into sugars, teas, vinegar, simple syrups, baked goods, and jellies. Mixed with sugar & leave in a warm location for 2-4 weeks. The infused sugar can then be used for baking and teas.
Gin Berry anthelmintic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, cytotoxicity, antioxidant, antipyretic, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiarthritis, anticancer, mosquitocidal
Ginger This primary herb is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, reduces gas and improves digestion, relieves nausea & morning sickness, eases a cold or the flu, relieves pain, reduces inflammation, supports cardiovascular health, lowers cancer risk, anti-cancer, boosts immunity. Take everyday, put in smoothie or make "Firewater" pain killer tonic: apple cider vinegar, onions, horseradish, garlic, ginger, and turmeric.
Ginkgo Known as the Master of blood circulation, ginkgo has a long history of use in treating blood disorders and memory issues. It improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels and making blood less sticky. It is also an antioxidant indicated for blood flow to brain and Alzheimer's.
Ginseng Known as the Root of Man, ginseng is indicated for longevity, lungs, stomach, appetite, antistress, adrenal glands, immune system, sexual energy, circulation and the endocrine system.
Goji Berry Goji berry is a super food indicated for pituitary, sexuality, fertility, longevity, immune system, vision, respiratory, anti-cancer, healthy skin, stabilizing blood sugar, depression, anxiety, sleep, liver damage. Add to your smoothie.
Gooseberry Used for preventing and treating high cholesterol, abnormal levels of cholesterol or blood fats (dyslipidemia), and persistent heartburn. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, especially the fruit, which has been used in Ayurveda as a potent rasayana and in traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhea, jaundice, and inflammation. Various plant parts show anti-diabetic, hypo-lipidemic, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcerogenic, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, and chemopreventive properties.
Grapefruit Cancer fighting, the pith is the most nutritious. Aka Pomelo and Chinese grapefruit
Guava, Ruby Supreme Leaves used to prevent & treat stomach and intestinal conditions, pain, diabetes, and wound healing. The fruit is used for high blood pressure, diabetes, pain relief, cough, oral ulcers and to improve locomotors coordination and liver damage inflammation. Used in many beverages, delicious in a smoothie.
Hemp Seed High in omega-3, indicated for inflammation, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and skin. Add seeds to a smoothie.
Hibiscus Reduces high blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, diabeties, liver protection, anti-cancer properties, anxiety, depression, weight loss, improves digestion, boosts immune system, improves skin conditions such as acne, scars, eczema, sunburn and skin allergies
Hollyhock The seed, root, stem, leaf, and flower are used to treat pain, stomach ulcers, diabetes, soothing, sore upset stomach, rash, skin problems and for wound healing. This entire plant is edible
Hiptage benghalensis - Helicopter flower According to Ayurveda, Hiptage benghalensis is indicated for cooling, astringent, expectorant, cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, wound healing, pruritus, foul ulcers, scabies, leprosy, skin diseases, cough, asthma, cardiac debility, rheumatism and hyperdipsia. The leaves can be used as a fodder, or as a home-made insecticide.
Holy Basil or Tulsi Indicated for energy issues, stress adaption, focus, grounding, anti-bacterial for mouth, depression.
Horseradish Poor mans antibiotic, indicated for sinus, bronchial and urinary tract infection. Very hardy plant.
Horsetail This herb contains silica for bones, indicated for broken bones, osteoporosis, torn ligaments, hair & nail growth, edema, increased urination.
Impatiens Rich in anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory compounds. Relieves the itching of poison ivy and has been scientifically confirmed to act as a fungicide. The plant is cathartic, diuretic and emetic. It is used in the treatment of pains in the joints. The leaf juice is used as a treatment against warts. The flowers are cooling, mucilaginous and tonic. Also used as a dye.
Indigo, hairy Infusions for nervous disorders, epilepsy, bronchitis, asthma, liver diseases, stomach pain, fever, kidney,spleen diseases, wounds, sores, skin conditions, syphilis, gonorrhea, hemorrhoids, snake bites. Apply leaves for skin diseases, sores, wounds, hemorrhoids and ulcers; seed tincture is used to kill lice.
Apply root preparation for syphilis, toothache, kidney stones, gonorrhea. Use the root infusion as antidote for snakebites and for treating insect and scorpion stings.
Ingest in form of cold tea to halt vomiting. Chew root to soothe toothaches. stem as wash for treating small pox and other skin problems.
Ixora indicated for hiccups, fever, gonorrhoea, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhoea, dysentery, liver, antioxidative, antibacterial
Jasmine flowering stem uses: analgesic, antibacterial, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, vasodilator, sore throats, boils & abscesses
Kalanchoe Anti-inflammatory, can reduce fevers, pain-relieving and muscle relaxant effects. Its anti-inflammatory effects have been partially attributed to the immunomodulatory and immune suppressant effect. The fresh mashed kalanchoe leaves stop a wound, kill the severe pain, even the toothache, cure panaritium, heal wounds, frostbites, burns and fistulas very well. Kalanchoe succus is commonly used to cure skin rash and even eczema. Largely used in folk medicine for the treatment of kidney stones, gastric ulcer, pulmonary infection and rheumatoid arthritis.
Kale Boosts DNA repair in cells, blocks the growth of cancer cells, indicated for eyes. Aka boreole
Kanna Elevates mood, reduces stress and tension, anti-anxiety, tranquilizing properties. Indicated for abdominal pains and toothache. Chew, smoke, or use it as tea or snuff mostly for pressure.
Kidney Beans Indicated for kidney function, hormone systems.
Kim Chi & Sauerkraut High in probiotics and glutamine, cancer fighting, treats "leaky gut". Not recommended to use products with vinegar or that are pasteurized. Recommended 2 tbsp cultured veggies every day.
Kiwi Indicated for asthma.
Knotweed Use entire flowering plant for bronchitis, cough, gum disease (gingivitis), sore mouth and throat, lung diseases, skin disorders, fluid retention, reduce sweating associated with tuberculosis and to stop bleeding. Extracts may protect against blood vessel damage, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory conditions.
Kohlrabi, purple Aids muscle & nerve functions, boosts immunity. Aka German turnip or turnip cabbage
Kratom, White Maeng Da Indicated for anxiety, depression, chronic pain, increase energy levels, stimulating effects, alertness.
Lavender Treats headache and migraine pain, sweet, calming, soothing, balancing, analegestic, anti-depressant, natural sedative. Do not take orally, inhale (add to boiling water or diffuse) and/or apply topically.
Leeks Multiple cancer-fighting properties, treat heart disease, infections, Urinary tract infections, arthritis, and anemia
Lemon Anti-oxidant; anti-carcinogen, treats cysts & tumors, supports heart health, helps control weight, protects against asthma, prevents kidney stones, improves digestive health, helps prevent anemia, enhances immune function. For cleaning use lemon alone or with vinegar. Consuming baking soda and lemon juice together may also neutralize stomach acid in a similar fashion as an antacid. For cancer 2 tbsp lemon 1/2 tbsp baking soda.
Lemon Balm Relieves stress, anxiety, indigestion, treats nausea, anti-viral properties, appears to speed the healing of cold sores, eases sleep disorders and may help fight inflammation. Boosts immune system, breaking fever, calming nerves, soothes frayed nerves, sleep. Mint family, gentle and strong, good for children.
Lemongrass Indicated for digestive spasms, stomach ache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, rheumatism, fever, the common cold, exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent.
Lily Various alkaloids found in amaryllis have cholinergic, analgesic, hypo-tensive, and cytotoxic effects. In most pets, chewing on or ingesting leaves generally only causes mild gastrointestinal upset, although ingestion of parts of the bulb may lead to more severe signs. All parts of this plant are poisonous, therefore it is diligently ignored by hungry deer, rabbits, and other critters. Typical gift of hard-won achievement.
Lime Aids in improvement of kidneys, skin/complexion. Peel away green and leave "pith" white membrane, add to every smoothie.
Lotus, Blue Nymphaea Caerulea is indicated for mood, sleep, anxiety, mental health, signs of aging, nervine, anti-spasmodic, euphoria, aphrodisiac, detoxification, meditation, blood sugar, digestion, lucid dreaming
Lychee, Brewster Known as the kidney fruit it is used to protect against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It is a rich source of nutrient that is required for the production of blood. Dietary fibers, anti-viral, anti-oxidant. take lychee for cough, fever, pain, to invigorate the body, and to promote urination, stomach ulcers, flatulence.
Maca Root This super food is indicated for endocrine system, high protein, increased sperm production, energy, anti-depressant, muscle tone, from Peru mountains "Peruvian Ginseng". Peruvian study show evidences to suggest that maca, particularly black maca, improves learning and memory.
Mammy Petra indicated for fever, headaches, physical wounds, overall pain, itching, eczema, mood, concentration, creativity, stress, fatigue, allergies
Mandevilla roots indicated for asthma, skin infections, anti-inflammatory, wound healing
Mango A polyphenolic anti-oxidant and a glucosyl xanthone, it has strong anti-oxidant, anti-lipid peroxidation, immunomodulation, cardio tonic, hypo-tensive, wound healing, anti-degenerative and anti-diabetic activities. Many of these properties are found in the leaves.
Manuka Honey Indicated for MRSA (a deadly infection) & H. Pylori, an antibiotic resistant bacteria, stomach ulcers, wound dressing.
Marigold The main medicinal applications of marigold are skin conditions of all kinds, including contusions, bruises and varicose veins. Minor skin injuries and inflammation can also be successfully treated. Marigold ointment promotes wound healing for eczema and sunburns. Put Marigold near veggie plants to keep pests away, they have a distinctive smell that repels mosquitoes and other garden pests, including squash bugs and tomato worms.
Marijuana Indicated for pain relief, depression, muscle relaxer, mood enhancement, seizures, mends bones, add/adhd, glaucoma, anxiety.
Marjoram Indicated for digestion, menstruation, female hormone health, blood circulation, gall bladder, stomach cramps, digestive disorders, depression, dizziness, migraines, nerve pain, nervous headache, cough, runny nose.
Marshmallow Marshmallow root is touted as an herbal remedy for many digestive, respiratory, skin conditions and hair health.?? The antioxidant and protective properties of marshmallow root support healthy cell functioning. One recent study confirmed that marshmallow preparations help soothe irritated mucous membranes due to: asthma, bronchitis, cold/sore throat, cough, IBS, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, indigestion, stomach ulcers and skin inflammation.
Mastic Gum Indicated for ulcers, stomach, anti-biotic, anti-viral. From Greek Isles of Chios aka "Chios tears".
Milk Thistle Indicated for liver disorders and gallbladder problems. Milk thistle is promoted as a dietary supplement for hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice, diabetes, indigestion, and other conditions.
Milkweed, hairy balls The roots are used to treat stomach ache. Leaves are dried and ground into a powder that is taken as snuff for headaches. The milky latex is used to treat warts. Seeds are blown away from the pods as a charm to placate the ancestors. The stems are used for fibre. Fresh stems and leaves stuffed into mole holes are said to be an effective deterrent. This plant is poisonous if ingested and has caused death to sheep fed large amount. Roots are used to treat stomachache, leaves are dried & ground and taken as snuff for headaches, milky latex used to treat warts, seeds are blown as a charm to placate the ancestors, fresh stems & leaves stuffed into mole holes as a deterrent.
Milkweed, tropical Sap exhibits cardiotonic properties, apply sap directly to warts & corns.
Mint Helps to ease symptoms of digestive ailments including severe gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome. Fights free radicals that can cause cancer. The leaves as well as the flowering orange mint plant possess anti-septic, analgesic, antispasmodic, cholagogic, carminative, diaphoretic and vasodilator attributes.
Mint, Chocolate Mint has been long known as an herbal remedy, easing queasy stomachs, calming stress and anxiety, and promoting weight loss and restful sleep. Palette cleanser, mouth freshener. Mint oil is used in ice cream and chocolates.
Miracle Fruit Indicated for diabetes, obesity, taste disturbances in people treated with cancer drugs.
Monkey Brush Used for treating skin ailments and digestive issues.
Moringa oleifera Indicated for diabetes, asthma, inflammation, cholesterol, protecting against arsenic toxicity, edema, stomach issues, mood disorders, bacterial diseases, liver, bones
Mulberry Leaves prepared as tea contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Mulberry enhances blood circulation and lowers blood pressure, reducing risk of blood clots, stroke and anemia. One cup of mulberry leaf tea a day said to turn your grey hairs black as well improve your general health.
Mulberry, Dwarf Everbearing The bark is said to be good in the treatment of stomachache and the leaves and twigs can be used for treating heavy colds, cough, red eye, insect bites and wounds. The fruit is used in the treatment of sore throat and melancholia. The Chinese have used mulberry fruit for centuries for its aphrodisiac qualities. White/Asian mulberries are one of the primary species used to feed silkworms.
Mum Chrysanthemum contains chemicals called flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Its flowers are used in tea and traditional Chinese medicine, they contain chemicals that may increase blood flow to the heart. Excellent repellent for ants, Japanese beetles, roaches, bed bugs, spider mites, and ticks.
Muscadine Grapes Anti-inflammatory, indicated for heart disease.
Mushroom, Lions Mane Indicated for dementia, anxiety and depression, nerve damage. It also has strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and immune-boosting abilities and has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, ulcers and diabetes in animals.
Mushrooms Indicated for circulatory, immune system and , lower cholesterol. Contains beta-glucans which inhibit cancer cell growth. Recommended eating 2-3 times a week.
Mustard, White The leaves and seeds are used use in preventing cancer, useful for treating infections and respiratory diseases. Leaves can be eaten as a green, the seeds can be used to make tea and as a poultice.
Nashia leaves used to make tea and as a natural sweetener, properties are said to be soothing and medicinal
Natto Fermented soybean, good for bone building. Sumo wrestlers use to quicken reflexes, indicated for digestive issues, blood cholesterol levels, arterial sclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, bone growth, bacterial balance in the intestines, diarrhea, enteritis, constipation, improve immunity, fat reduction.
Neem Tree Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, cardiovascular disease, fever, diabetes, gum disease, liver, immuse system, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant,anticarcinogenic. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions.
Noni Coffee family, frequently used Hawaiian plant medicines. May help prevent cancer, indicated for infections, colds, flu, diabetes, anxiety, high blood pressure and depression. Use leaves topically for arthritis, headache or skin problems. Use fruit for inflammation, abscesses, angina, diabetes, ranula, abdominal fibromas, and scorpionfish sting.
Oak, Live Reduces inflammation and irritation, especially of skin and mucus membranes, astringent, fever reducing, tonic, anti-septic, anti-viral, anti-tumor. used oak to treat bleeding, tumors, swelling and dysentery. European herbalists used oak as a diuretic and as an antidote to poison. Snuff made from powdered root was used to treat tuberculosis. The leaves have been employed to promote wound healing. Oak has been used as a Quinine substitute in the treatment of fevers. Aka Florida Oak.
Oak, Red Used in a decoction, the inner bark is a fever reducer, pain reliever, and expectorant, making it great for dealing with coughs, colds, and fevers. Tannin-rich tree.
Okra Artery scrubber said to have the most soluble fibers of any veggie, indicated for circulation.
Olive Oil High in anti-oxidants, chlorophyll, free radicals, used as liver/gall bladder flush.
Onion Indicated for circulation, immune system, stomach cancer, anti-clotting, increases insulin, hair regrowth, diabetes. People used to eat onion sandwichs as flu prevention.
Orchid Helps treat cancer, increases longevity, strengthen the immune system, anti-microbial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and improve eyesight. Orchids possess extraordinary properties that can prolong the youthfulness of human tissue
Orchid, Ground Indicated for ear inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism, ulcers, relieve pain, blood circulation, heal wounds & burns, vertigo, anticancer, treat weakness in chronic diseases, dizziness, eye problems, leaves are applied to painful joints
Oregano Used for preventing and treating food poisoning, anti-parasitic, sore throat, boils on skin, yeast & candida, anti-mircrobal, anti-viral, antioxident anti-bacterial, phytonutrients, cramps, bloating, ibs. 5-10 in water 2x a day.
Oregano, Cuban Leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat sore throats, colds, coughs, nasal congestion, infections, rheumatism and even flatulence, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial. Some cultures make a mild tea with a couple of leaves and prescribe it for digestive problems, respiratory ailments, and arthritis. It can be made into a syrup with tea and sugar for sore throat and coughs to help ease symptoms. Rub broken leaves all over the skin as an insect repellant. Some have processed the leaves into oil to rub on your chest for a bronchial remedy. Oregano oil should never be taken internally if you are pregnant however it can be used externally for cuts and scrapes.
Osteospermum Great for small wounds and minor burns used in the form of compresses, creams or ointments. It has soothing effects on the skin. Aids in relief of cold, cough and stomach pain.
Oyster Plant Used for preventing and treating colds, sore throat, whooping cough, nasal bleeding, and also as an anti-inflammatory.
Oysters High in zinc, increases testosterone, indicated for anemia. Raw oysters carry bacteria and are hard on the liver.
Palm, Christmas Seeds chewed as a stimulant
Palm, Coontie Used as a starch, thickening agent, especially to feed babies and the elderly or sick, as it is very highly digestible, digestive and urinary tract, remove harmful toxins from the air.
Palm, Pygmy Date Fruits are antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-proliferative, juice from the date palm for coughs & breathing problems pollen is used for inflammation & sores in mouth.
Pansy Because it contains mucilage, it has soothing, anti-tussive and anti-inflammatory properties, useful to treat bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs, make a tea from the flowers for respiratory diseases. It also contains salicylic acid and salicylates, effective analgesics to treat pain. It has anti-microbial properties helping arthritis, skin problems, asthma, high blood pressure, and epilepsy.
Papaya, Red Lady Used for preventing and treating colon cancer, lowers inflammation, burns, arthritis, ibs, digestive problems, gastrointestinal tract disorders, intestinal parasite infections, and as a sedative and diuretic. It is also used for nerve pains (neuralgia) and elephantoid growths. Leaves used to treat & prevent dengue fever, blood sugar control, supporting skin and hair health, and preventing cancer - add the leaves to a smoothie.
Parsley Parsley is an anti-oxidant-rich herb that can help manage diabetes, boost the immune system, and improve bone health. It can be good for maintaining healthy kidneys, heart, and brain. Moreover, chewing on a few leaves can also help freshen your breath. Many people use parsley for skin and hair care.
Passion Flower The flower can be made into a sedative and antispasmodic. Passion flower is also used to treat nervous disorders, bronchial conditions, arthritis, asthma, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders and menopausal symptoms. Carotenoids and polyphenols in the yellow fruit extract can also kill cancer cells in vitro. Used to treat nervousness, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure. Both the fruit and the flower can be used in many beverages.
Pea Shoots anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, digestive aid, diuretic, expectorant, prevents some viruses & carcinogens in the intestines
Peanut Butter Plant Indicated for heart, cholesterol, nerves, gut health, digestion, anti-oxidant, diuretic, immune system, prostate, stimulant. Fruit is the size of a grape tomato, it has a cherry sized pit in the middle and the creamy fruit tastes like peanut butter.
Peanut Perennial Seeds are nutritious and have been used in folk medicine for inflammation, aphrodisiac, decoagulant, insomnia, diarrhea.
Pentas Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial
Peppercorn, Black Anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, improves blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, cancer fighting properties and gastro-protective. Black pepper is the world's most traded spice.
Peppermint This primary herb gives a phytochemical blast and is indicated for ibs, digestion, dyspepsia, colonic muscle spasms, anti-inflammatory, cooling, soothing, congestion, headaches and migraines, itchy skin, and it’s numbing qualities are useful to relieve pain from arthritis, gout, neuralgia, and sciatica. Peppermint counteracts beet taste and is in the same family as catnip. Recommended eating 3x a day.
Petunia Treats digestive disorders and coughs and colds. It can also be given as a strengthening tonic for seniors and children.
Pineapple Indicated for digestion, inflammation, swelling, sore throat, arthritis, gout, speed recovery from injury/surgery, anti-cancer. The biggest benefits are in the stem with is a extremely rich source of beneficial enzymes. Eat by itself, between meals.
Plantago major Feaf poultice can be applied to wounds, stings, and sores prevents infection, anti-microbial, stimulates cellular growth and tissue regeneration, reduces pain and discomfort, astringent properties, tea made from the leaves can be ingested to treat diarrhea and soothe raw internal membranes.
Plantain Remedy for cough, wounds, inflamed skin or dermatitis, and insect bites. Bruised or crushed leaves have been applied topically to treat insect bites and stings, eczema, and small wounds or cuts. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-oxidant, moderates the immune system, it is a weak, whole-body antibiotic. Indicated for auto-immune diseases, infections, and for toothaches and dental infections. Juice the leaves or make an infusion from them.
Plum Indicated for osteoporosis, high in silica, can return up to 5% of bone density annually with regular consumption.
Plumeria Indicated for inflammation, diarrhea, nerves, bruises, ulcers, mood, stress, fatigue, high blood pressure, haemophilia, cough, dysentery, fever.
Pomegranate Contains anti-oxidants and is indicated for preventing heart attacks and strokes, increased serotonin & estrogen, depression and ovaries. Consume the pith which contains the most beneficial properties of the fruit.
Popcorn Cassia Leaves, stems and roots is drunk as a laxative, diarrhoea, dysentery, for abdominal pains, to expel intestinal worms & to treat ringworms.
Poppy The flowers of the field poppy have long been used as a painkiller for soothing mild aches and pains from toothache, earache and sore throat. It is a mild sedative/relaxant, an expectorant for treating catarrh and coughs, helps digestion, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.The poppy plant, Papaver somniferum, produces opium, a powerful narcotic whose derivatives include morphine, codeine, heroin, and oxycodone. The mucus coating from pods onto seeds is most potent. Aka "Joy Plant".
Porterweed Indicated for fungal infections, high blood pressure, colds, constipation, diarrhea, boils, burns, earache, headache, allergies, worms, allergies, respiratory conditions, cough, cold, fever, constipation, antibacterial.
Powder Puff Tree Fruit indicated for seizures, inflammation, infection, fever, colds, coughs, asthma, diarrhea, respiratory infection, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, poulticing for sore throat. It is also used for connecting with the .spiritual realm and for divination
Princess Flower Indicated for inflammation, antioxidant, chronic pain, antibacterial
Pumpkin Rich in vitamin A, pumpkins may lower your risk for certain types of cancer, including prostate and lung cancer. Contains zinc, anti-oxidants and carotenoids which may lower your risk of developing throat, pancreatic, stomach and breast cancer. Seeds indicated for prostate, osteoporosis, parasites (recommended, 3 day pumpkin cleanse) and cholesterol. Pumpkin/Maca milk = 4 cups water or coconut milk & 1 cup pumpkin (pulp and ground seeds) & 1 tsp maca powder & honey to taste. Eat pumpkin raw when possible.
Queen's Wreath Antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticancer
Radish Keeps thyroid hormones in balance, powerful expectorant
Ragweed aka Roman Wormwood Looks like a tomato plant; itchy upon contact, seeds are edible and high in oil, toxic to cattle and horses. Leaves & roots used for astringents, skin disinfectants, to promote vomiting, fever reducers, nausea, pneumonia, intestinal cramps, diarrhea, menstrual.
Raspberry Raspberries provide potassium, are essential to heart function, and lower blood pressure. The omega-3 fatty acids in raspberries can help prevent stroke and heart disease. They also contain manganese, which is necessary for healthy bones and skin and helps regulate blood sugar. Rich source of ellagic acid which is a cancer inhibitor. Add 1 pint raspberries to 4 oz of water.
Red Clover Natural hormone replacement, slows bone loss in osteoporosis, increases bone density, anti-cancer properties, alkalizing and detoxifying. Indicated for menopause, skin diseases and heart disease. Make tea from flower blossoms, prepare as a tincture or use as a dried herb.
Reishi Mushroom Indicated for heart, mind, longevity, immune system, cardio system, makes you a "spirit being". Too bitter to eat, make a tea, and extract or grind and put into capsules - add to smoothies.
Rose Indicated for anti-bacterial, anti-septic (can be used in eyes), anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-depressant, anti-parasitic, mood enhancing, grief reduction, nervous stress, tension, sedative, astringent, heart disease, hbp, blood purifier, aphrodisiac
Rose, Baby Sun Used as an non-inflammatory, dressing poultice, deodorant, sore joints, love and luck charm, enema for babies
Rose, Panama Blood purifier, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac
Rosemary This primary herb is used for preventing and treating depression, good for low blood pressure, increases circulation & flow of Qi, asthma, breathing, anxiety & depression, analesgenic, relaxant, reduces mental fatigue, increases circulation, eases headaches. Significant antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties. Furthermore, it shows important clinical effects on mood, learning, memory, pain, anxiety, and sleep, insect repellant. Not recommended for use with hypothyroidism.
Royal Jelly & Bee Pollen High in B complex vitamins, uplifts spirit, revives the weak. Recommended 1-2 tsp a day.
Rue Crushed rue leaves are placed in the ear to relieve ear aches and headaches, externally: antiseptic, insect bites & repellant, poultice against rheumatic pain, dried leaves as a sedative to calm stomach cramping & nerves, to treat warts, poor eyesight, worms, and scarlet fever. Rue extract is potentially useful as a potassium channel blocker. It has been used to treat many neuromuscular problems and to stimulate the onset of menstruation, antispasmodic effect at relatively low doses, it should be taken with caution. Rue can terminate pregnancy, known as the abortion plant.
Sage Indicated for immune system, eczema, sinuses headaches, mouth & throat issues, cold sore, tooth problem, whitens teeth, menapause, brain, memory, head impact, astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial, fungicidal.
Salad Plant Contains vitamin A, fiber, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, and minerals, including iron, potassium and calcium. As a demulcent, ingesting bele helps relieves throat irritation. Medicinally, bele helps symptoms such as dysentery, diarrhea, skin rashes, and colds. Aka kiko's crump aka bele tree, south sea salad tree, sunset muskmallow, sunset hibiscus or hibiscus manihot, edible hibiscus.
Sapote, Black Indicated for heart disease, cancer, antioxidant, immune system, digestion, vision, collagen, connective tissues, bark and leaves treat fever and various skin conditions. Aka mamey, chocolate pudding fruit. The unripe fruit is used as a fish poison
Saw Palmetto Indicated for prostate, testosterone, male hormone, baldness, improves urinary symptoms and night time urinary difficulty. Talk to your doctor before taking if on medications.
Sea Vegetables Broad range of minerals, cancer & tumor fighting, folic acid reducing birth defects, iodine/thyroid and goiters.
Sedum anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, hypotensive, laxative, rubefacient, vermifuge, crush leaves and stems as a poultice for wounds
Sesame Seeds High in calcium, magnesium and copper, indicated for arthritis, inflammation, asthma, osteoporosis, kidney tonic (youth, vigor & sexuality), gray hair, constipation and anemia. Try raw, organic, black sesame seeds.
Sheep Sorrel  
Shrimp Plant Indicated for dysentery, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, edema, cough, jaundice, urinary tract infection, sore throat, inflammation
Sky Vine dried leaves are also used as an antipyretic, an antidote for scorpion venom, used as a poultice in stomach complaints & to soothe cuts & boils, dried leaves as tea to treat drug & alcohol addiction
Snapdragon Used traditionally as a diuretic, for treatment of scurvy, liver disorders and tumors. The leaves and flowers were used as anti-phlogistic, resolvent, stimulant and as poultices on tumors and ulcers, anti-inflammatory, resolvent and stimulant. They have been used in poultices on tumors and ulcers and to treat different types of inflammations and hemorrhoids.
Society Garlic Indicated for fevers, colds, asthma, tuberculosis, diabetes, blood sugar, cardio, rheumatic pain, digestion, sinus headaches
Song of India Indicated for malaria, dysentery, diarrhoea, poisoning, air purifier
Sorrel, French Sorrel is used for reducing sudden and ongoing pain and inflammation of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, for treating bacterial infections along with conventional medicines, and for increasing urine flow (as a diuretic). Sorrel is also an ingredient in the herbal cancer treatment Essiac.
Spearmint Spearmint is used for digestive disorders including gas, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, upper gastrointestinal tract spasms, irritable bowel syndrome, bile duct and gallbladder inflammation, and gallstones.
Spinach Powerful anti-oxidant that promotes skin health and immune function. Indicated for vision/eyes, hair, bone health, blood glucose, diabetes, reducing risk of cancer. Spinach thickens blood and helps it to clot - take caution if on blood thinners or if having issues with blood clots. Avoid if you have kidney stones. Recommended eaten raw and organic.
Squash Indicated for digestive problems, constipation, ibs, diarrhea, brings heat to the body, especially spaghetti squash.
Star Fruit Used commonly in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicines in India, China, and Brazil to relieve ailments such as chronic headache, fever, cough, gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, ringworm infections, and skin inflammations. Delicious in salads, my favorite with bleu cheese.
Stevia Natural sweetner indicated for lowering blood pressure, diabetes, heartburn, high uric acid levels in the blood, weight loss, stimulating heart rat, and is a diuretic.
Stinging Nettle Indicated for diabetes, prostate, seasonal allergies. Use roots for prostate and leaves for allergies or put both in an alcohol tincture. Harvest young, less than 2" tall will not sting, eat raw. Use the tips on adult plant, dry and make tea/broth or cook as a spinach.
Strawberry This "King of Berries" is heart protective, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. Indicated for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, weight management, immune system and neuro-protective activities.
Strawberry Tree Strawberry tree fruit are anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiproliferative, antihypertensive and intestinal inflammation. The leaves, bark and root are astringent and diuretic. Strawberry tree infusions are rich in antioxidants and tannins and can be used as a urinary antiseptic, while the decoction of strawberry tree leaves and roots can help to combat rheumatic pains. Fruit is the size of a grape tomato, it has a cherry sized pit in the middle and the creamy fruit tastes like strawberry. Aka Arbutus unedo.
Sunflower Anti-inflammatory, expectorant, aids in the body's transport of fat, boosts fertility, greatly contributes to a healthy pregnancy, natural expectorant for chest congestion, rich in anti-oxidants, heart health, slows aging, cellular recovery, reduces high blood pressure, improves arterial health, boosts immunity; a remedy for pulmonary affections, a preparation of the seeds has been widely used for cold and coughs, in the Caucasus the seeds have served as a substitute for quinine in the treatment of malaria.
Sunflower, black oil Anti-inflammatory, indicated for expectorant, aids in the body's transport of fat, boosts fertility, greatly contributes to a healthy pregnancy, natural expectorant for chest congestion, rich in anti-oxidants, heart health, slows aging, cellular recovery, reduces high blood pressure, improves arterial health, boosts immunity
Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes fight cancer causing free radicals, they are indicated for inflammation, digestion, macular degeneration and eye disease, cholesterol, immune system, gut health and diabetes.
Swiss Chard Indicated for diabetes, bone building, bone health, blood sugar and diabetes. Recommended to eat raw; excellent is a smothie.
Syrian rue Indicated for osteoarthritis, cancer, menstrual pain, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and monoamine oxidase inhibition properties, seeds have stimulant and hallucinogenic effects at low doses, sedative effects, fruit and seeds are digestive, diuretic, hallucinogenic, narcotic and uterine stimulantThe fruit and seed are digestive, diuretic, hallucinogenic, narcotic and uterine stimulant. Aka Peganum harmala.
Tamarind It's partially dried fruit is used to make medicine. Used for preventing and treating constipation, liver and gallbladder problems, and stomach disorders. It is also used to treat colds and fever. Women sometimes use tamarind to treat pregnancy-related nausea.
Tarragon Tarragon contains anti-oxidants, supports cardiovascular health, decreases blood sugar improving insulin sensitivity and menstrual health as well as anxiety and insomnia, also aids in digestion. Perennial; doesn't like wet conditions, drought-resistant; needs a well-drained, sandy, light soil acidic, moist soil will result in poor growth, rotting roots and a reduced flavor.
Tea, Green & White Indicated for cardiovascular, protects heart, lowers risk of death from health conditions. White tea has more phytochemicals.
Texas Sage studies suggest antimicrobial, antituberculous, cytotoxic, antimitotic, hepatoprotective properties
Thyme Indicated for anti-viral, respiration, nerves, bronchitis, whooping cough, sore throat, colic, arthritis, stomach, diarrhea, bedwetting, dyspraxia, intestinal gas, parasitic worms and skin. Perennial; full sun, or even partial shade in hot climates. It enjoys moist, rich soil and is drought-tolerant once established. Well-drained soil is a must, the roots will rot in soggy ground; pruning is needed to remove dead stems and encourage new growth.
Ti, Three Sisters aka Cordyline Indicated for fevers, decongestants, respiratory, inflammation, ulcers, the leaves are used to wrap gifts, food for cooking, liners for dishes, hula skirt
Tomato Heart disease, cancer, prostate cancer. Organic tomatoes have 3x more Lycopene as regular tomatoes.
Trumpet Vine, Pink Entire plant can be used for antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, blood tonic, gas, diuretic, fever, womans health, speech and communication, psoriasis, allergies, asthma, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting
Turmeric This primary herb is in the ginger family and is indicated for rheumatism, arthritis, chronic anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, skin cancer, small pox, chicken pox, wound healing, urinary tract infections, liver ailments/detox, inflammation, pain, joint swelling, prostate cancer and alzheimer's
Valerian Roots indicated for headaches, migraine, fatigue, stomach cramps, anxiety, depression, premenstrual syndrome, menopause symptoms. Properties are in root; use direct compression or drink as a tea. Aka Valeriana Officinalis.
Walnut Walnut protects heart, is high omega-3, brain support, lowers cholesterol, improves sleep, anti-parasitic, digestion, liver and gall bladder. Aka "King of All Nuts".
Watercress Indicated for increase stamina, low thyroid, removes excess water or "internal dampness", improves kidney function, liver. Great with ginger to fight a cold. Wash before eating, great in a salad.
Watermelon Indicated for kidneys, diuretic, chronic kidney stones, increased urination, anti-oxidant, reduced prostate, improved blood flow.
Wormwood Used for various digestion problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, gall bladder disease, and intestinal spasms. Wormwood is also used to treat fever, liver disease, depression, muscle pain, memory loss and worm infections; to increase sexual desire; as a tonic; and to stimulate sweating.
Yarrow Yarrow has been used to induce sweating and to stop wound bleeding. It also has been reported to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain. It has been used to relieve GI ailments, for cerebral and coronary thromboses, to lower high blood pressure, to improve circulation, to tone varicose veins, fever, common cold, hay fever, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache. Reduces sweat, brings down fever
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Flower indicated for fever, rheumatism, syphilis, antifungal, antimicrobia, arthritis, one of the active plant additives contributing to ayahuasca.
Zeolite Negatively charged volcanic ash indicated for heavy metal toxicity and autism.

Please lookup and research how to use these medicinal plants.
The author of this page is not a doctor and is not responsible for any misuse. This data is meant to pique interest for further inquiries.

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For plants, flowers, trees, herbs & eggs visit us:

Prana Farms is open by appointment,
all or text for availability

Resa 239-822-2752

6026 Sweden Blvd
Punta Gorda, FL 33982

Call or text to book our food truck for your event

Anna 941-759-3672

Interested in massage or energy work?

Click the Prana Energy Works link below:

Call or text:

Mike 239-571-2026 (plants)

Resa 239-822-2752 (critters)

Anna 941-759-3672 (treat barn)


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